The philosophy at keySTRIDELabs has the most

reliable power-source: an experienced and dedicated team of leaders.

Hrishiraj Ramachandran

An able leader who has been a part of the Information Technology industry since 1998, Hrishi has been a perfect catalyst for the growth of the organization and each employee within it. “Roll up your sleeves and get the job done,” is a personal motto of his and he has demonstrated this repeatedly with his commitment to leading by example. Hrishi has moved through the ranks from a software and applications developer to being a Technical Manager of AOL, Technology Director at Photon Infotech and now a proud founder of keySTRIDELabs.

Hrishiraj Ramachandran - Keystride Team
Marketing Team - Keystride

Making The World


We are a team of global citizens that understand the nuances of working with teams from across the world. Our process of communicating, conceptualizing and creating transcends cultures and languages, making it possible for us to fit right in with any working style. Services and solutions with our imprint have made an impact in locations

Serving Multiple Industries

The markets we operate in are vast and so are the industries we have worked with. Here, our paradigm of working with people blends perfectly with our ability to provide solutions to brands that deal in a variety of products and services. A few examples of the diverse industries we have worked with are: » Online Media » Retail » Legal Services » Automobile » Financial Services » NGOs… … and the list goes on.

Reach Out And Reach The World

Whatever country or industry your organization belongs to, we can start creating a unique solution right away. Just use our Contact Form to get in touch.